Oasis Company, Republic of Belarus

To develop a design of puree packaging for children and teenagers

Idea | Solution:
A producer of juices and nectars from Belarus set the Brandiziac team a task: to develop a packaging design for a new line of fruit puree “Juicy Snack”. The client gave almost complete freedom of action, defining only the name of the line, the packaging format and the target audience - schoolchildren up to 12 years old.
As a rule, at this age children are guided by the opinion of their peers and, in order not to appear as a white crow, choose fashionable products. That's why the designers turned to popular culture in search of ideas for packaging design. This is how the cartoon mascot appeared - a bat that is on a merciless hunt for fresh fruit.
Usually the fruit vampire sleeps upside down, but as soon as you turn it upside down, the hunt begins immediately. With the help of the “upside-down” technique, the designers managed to create an element of play and emphasize the peculiarity of use. Funny branding emphasizes the valuable properties (who said bats don't need braces), and the original cutout repeats the silhouette of the vampire.
“Juicy Snack” is 4 kinds of natural and healthy fruit puree in a pouch-pack with a cap. It doesn't take up much space and won't spill in your backpack, so it's convenient to take it to school, to classes in sections or just for a walk. You can enjoy your favorite flavor at any convenient moment, without distracting from important business.
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