'Three Cows, Two Cats': Playing hide and seek on a small box

Dairy Company «Molochnyi Kit»

To create package design for a new line of milk cocktails under "Three cows, two cats" brand.
Earlier Brandiziac created logo and package design for dairy line "Three cows, two cats". This time the challenge was to work with existing brand characters taking into consideration the limited space of the packaging. The product line includes four kid's favorite flavors: banana, strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. By reason of the limited packaging space we decided to create a separate hero for every flavor. Leading hero appears on the facing, other characters "hide" on different sides of packaging. Funny illustrations make packaging entertaining, it becomes a part of amusing kid's game with new friends: the playful cats, the "talking" cow and so on. All useful and necessary information is given in a form of catchy icons. Graphically the design differs from the main dairy products line, it is lighter, clearer and allows further development of new products.

The new cocktails are bright and interesting: kids have the opportunity to develop their imagination with the help of new colorful design. At the same time packaging design is rather informative for parents. The packaging attracts the attention of both kids and parents in the supermarkets.
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