
Arithmetic 0+
by Artyom Shutov

“The success of a children's brand will depend on how clearly defined the age and needs of the target audience are. That's the real math
1. Changing audience.
The target audience for children's goods and services is constantly changing - depending on the age of the child, the purchase is influenced by either children or parents. It is especially difficult to work with the category “from birth to 2 years”. During this period, the interests of the CA are adjusted almost every 3 months. And along with this, the techniques for branding products change. It is important to correctly identify the target age of the child, so as not to make a mistake in the marketing strategy. At the same time, the main requirement for the goods of this age group is invariably quality and safety. After all, this directly shapes the well-being of the baby, the peace of mind of him and his mother.

2. Find a balance between important product features and the brand communication game.
At some point, parents realize that the baby also has an opinion and they start to listen to it. At this stage, brand developers, marketers are already working with the peculiarities of choice and preferences of small consumers, determine the acceptable level of creativity, the possibility of using slang. It is important that in this category goods and services are already divided by gender. Now the task of manufacturers is to interest children and at the same time to arouse the trust of parents, making them realize that we know what the child needs and how to meet his needs with the benefit of education and development.

3. Thinking about who is buying the product.
More often than not, the dad of a growing child, choosing a toy for him, will buy what he likes himself. That is, in fact, he buys a toy for himself. But mom will first think about what the child will like, and then compare it with her values. Our agency's research confirms that fathers are guided by their own desires and preferences when buying a gift for a child, especially a boy. So if you're working to create a product or service for kids 4+, focus on who will be buying it.

4. Just a pretty baby picture doesn't work.
Even if you find it bright and memorable. It's not the basis of communication. You need a concept, an idea, emotional branding.

5. Loving children is a must!
If you produce goods and services for children, this is a prerequisite. Otherwise, children will not love what you do for them. Even if you hire a team of the best marketers on the planet, you are more likely to succeed in selling dairy products for the whole family or promoting the latest home appliances than in branding baby food or clothes for babies. They always sense deception and insincerity.