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Brandiziac is a team specialising in branding and environmental design. We base our work on complete immersion into the essence of processes: we do a lot of research, carefully analyse and offer a solution. By combining intuitive design and user experience, we create comfortable space and brands with memorable history. We like to help people whilst improving the reality around.
Brutal packaging for the cast iron cookware range
Delicious pasta design for X5 Retail Group
Navigation system for the reconstructed complex of buildings of the hospital of Verkh-Isetsky plant.
Packaging for the essential collection of cookware with a dynamic logo
The reconstruction of this object from the vast space Soviet printing house into an office and storage building became its unique feature
Visual image for the Talitsky Dairy Farms' range of dairy products


We have been working in branding and environmental design for many years, continuously researching market trends, design trends, latest marketing solutions. We like to share our discoveries, thoughts and, of course, achievements. This is the place where we collect the most important news, write about developments, express opinions on trends and challenge new ideas.

Read all the news
From a quality mark to modern packaging
A nontypical approach to the design of store brand pasta
Yekaterinburg Arena was the only winner in its nomination
We made a video about the navigation system at the main city stadium.
We developed a system of navigation for the cultural and exhibition complex Sinara Centre.
Brandiziac agency's creation was chosen in the nomination Design and Design of Public Spaces.
Three design techniques that add value to a customer's perception
Freedom from conventionalities: architects and designers set off for Mount Belaya to experience hiking trails
In August Brandiziac turned 11 years old. To commemorate it we created a festive identity with the unique word "elevenation".