'Airports of the Regions': surprising game with curious facts

Aeroports of the Regions

To develop a design of a New Year gift (a set of chocolate and calendar) for «Airports of the regions» company. It was necessary to stress the scale of the holding activities and to show the significance of all structures of the airports.

«Airports of the regions» company is a Russia 's largest holding, comprising 7 air hubs.In order to emphasize the scale of the holding activities, appeared the idea to collect all the airport structures «under one roof» and turn the gift into a game with surprise.To implement the idea, it was decided to use a complicated design of the canister and box with cells which host the chocolate.Opening the cell with airport service pictogram, the gift recipient reads little fact about its work, eats chocolate and discovers airport code. Thus we create a linkage: an airport — a fact — a code. Explanation of abbreviations and codes is on the back side of the box. Photos of runways, lounges, terminals were used in calendar design. Incorporated in each photo month names stressed the year-round usage of the airports.
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