Boxberry delivery service

Our story with Boxberry began with naming. In 2010 Ural-Press Group of Companies started working in the area of delivery service with the aim to develop it as a new brand. Short term plan included taking it to the international level.At the time there had already been several large companies of a similar profile, so we set the task to highlight the brand in a positive and colourful way, thus making the name and design as easy as possible for perception and recognition.
It was necessary to choose a name with intuitively understandable semantics, and the word itself would need to be concise and easy to remember. As a result, we came up with the name «Boxberry», which combines English words «box» and «berry». In Russian, word "berry" sounds similar to the verb "take" (beri), which harmonises well with the delivery of parcels, and the internal meaning of the word can be associated with collection points scattered around the map like grains on a berry. The second stage included the development of the logo that would connect the brand name with its image and relay the principles of the company.
The idea of naming is reflected in the logo through depiction of a berry coloured in rich magenta and made up of dots — collection points. It is portrayed in the form of a cube, which symbolises a box with the parcel. We highlighted one of the dots in green, which, just like the traffic light, opens the way to the precious parcel, indicating the collection point, where it needs to be picked up.One of the key principles that has given Boxberry a competitive advantage, is the transparency of the service and the desire to help customers by simplifying sending and receiving parcels as much as possible. We noticed this quality and decided to highlight it in the brand's corporate style. The idea was implemented via communication window: open and friendly texts, addressed to the client, inspire confidence and evoke the feeling of the company's sincere concern for the client as well as for the safety of parcels. That is how the slogans "Delivering Joy", "Easy to send, convenient to receive", "Happy to see you every time", "Delivering gifts to the loved ones ","Parcels for the most important people ", etc. emerged.Work on the Boxberry's corporate identity has been the story of long assistance to the company, creation of the new design and marketing solutions, modelling of communication situations and conditions of customer's encounter with the brand. In the space of several years we have managed to maintain the visual unity of style, and our work is not yet finished, because Boxberry continues to evolve, and we, in turn, continue working on the adapting the design for new tasks.
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