New form and test drive: How we accomplished the rebranding of 'Talitsky'

Talitsa Dairy Farms

Talitsa Dairy Products is widely known in the region for the quality of its products but was always sold in a low-price segment. The company decided to call upon Brandiziac for a rebranding of the trademark in order to occupy a higher price segment of the market. The client was also willing to invest in modernization of production if it was necessary for the upgrade of packaging.
After three weeks of development, the client was presented with 6 variants of different graphic ideas for future packaging design, from which one variant was selected for each of the two prospects. Each selected concept was further refined for several types of packaging - the design of the front side as well as the shape of the packaging.

Testing of design options directly on retail shelves was conducted to make a decision on concept selection. Produced packaging samples were tested in a natural competitive environment with a planned price. The test results showed that the consumer's perception of the brand value significantly exceeds the manufacturer's expectations.
Дизайн упаковки — это не просто красивая картинка, это и форма, максимально дополняющая и подчеркивающая особенности основной идеи. После выбора концепции началась работа по построению моделей упаковки, определению форм и материала, технологии производства, доставки и розлива. При выборе специалисты агентства и производителей упаковки вместе с Клиентом оценивали не только эстетическую ценность, но и производственные, технологические и экономические факторы, а также инвестиционные риски. В результате этого этапа работы были разработаны чертежи на новую упаковку, построены прототипы на 3D-принтере. Это помогло окончательно убедиться в эргономических свойствах баночек и бутылок перед масштабным запуском в производство.
Packaging design is not just a beautiful picture, it is also a form that maximally complements and emphasizes the features of the main idea. After the concept was chosen, work began on building packaging models, determining shapes and materials, production, delivery and filling technologies. When making the choice, specialists of the agency and packaging manufacturers together with the Client evaluated not only the aesthetic value, but also production, technological and economic factors, as well as investment risks. As a result of this stage of work, drawings for new packaging were developed and prototypes were built on a 3D printer. This helped to finally verify the ergonomic properties of the cans and bottles before the large-scale launch of production.
When the packaging suppliers started preparations for production, the team started preparing the original layouts for the entire range. The agency pays great attention to this important and painstaking part of the work: elaboration of marketing texts, drawing of technical elements in the style of the brand, work on the differentiation system of the product line - subconscious trust of consumers to the product depends on the quality of elaboration of these “little things”.

In 10 months from the launch in the agency, the project was completed and handed over to the Client for production. And in 1.5 months the first product went on the market. In the very first weeks of sales the producer of TM “Talitskoe” evaluated the results of the work done.
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